David W. Hicks: ThinkTankers (23 & 25 January 2024)

David W. Hicks: Thinktankers 

Project Space 2, 2nd Floor, GSASA Assembly Building, 20 Scott Street, Glasgow. G3 6RJ.
Open: Tuesday 23rd Jan 2024, 2-4pm
Closing event: Thursday 25th Jan 2024, 4-7pm

No need to book, just come along!

Assemble, Exchange silent crit session on Wednesday 24th January, 3-4pm. Free booking here.

ThinkTankers is an exhibition of sculptures and sonic art inspired by the music and lyrics of Sleaford Mods and their album UK Grim. Specifically, the exhibition has the objective of bringing to attention the role of think tanks and other hidden and unseen 'bad actors' that adversely impact our daily lives with little opportunity for people to challenge them. The aim is to have the viewer ask 'who's behind our 'trusted systems' - whether that's political, economic, social or technological.