Society Training Opportunities

Sports Clubs

At key points in the year Sports Clubs are encouraged to send their Committee members or key organisers on a Sports Injuries First Aid Level 1 Certificate provided by St Andrews First Aid, the certification lasts three years, and is provided by the Students' Association for no cost to students to undertake these key skills to support their societies and also as investment for other sports activities they may want to undertake in the future outside of their involvement with sport at GSA. 

Overview of Sports Injuries First Aid Level 1 Certificate

Please email the Community and Societies Coordinator, Leilani, to investigate when the next appropriate training is and if you are eligible to take this on behalf of your Sports Society,


Societies and Clubs

There's a huge variety of societies and clubs at GSASA these range from those formed around common identities, from Queer Society, to those formed around common activity, from Knitting Society, and there's a variety of different skills and knowledge that might be needed to run these activities effectively, but also these groups and how you work together to coordinate. The Students' Association has funding available for investment in training that is appropriate to the development of your specific society and activity please get in touch with the Community and Societies Coordinator to explore.